Children and young people are the future of any society. They are self-evidently vulnerable and require the care and protection of their families and of the wider community. Prior to the Covid Pandemic, in the UK, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was universally endorsed by all professionals whose work involved children and young people.

The Folly of Following ‘The’ Science: an Exercise in Grammar
Rishi Sunak’s revelations in The Spectator on 1 September reveal his disquiet at the influence SAGE advisers wielded during the pandemic, the perils of applying lockdowns, the inappropriate fear messaging targeted at the public based on exaggerated modelling of data and, importantly, the censorship of dissenting views within ministerial meetings.

The Psychological Impact of the Government’s Communication Style and Restrictive Measures
This is an updated version of the paper written in March 2021. Covid-19 restrictions and a relentless media campaign to enhance compliance led to unprecedented levels of loneliness, fear, and anxiety.

New theories of covid pathology
When investigating the cause of pathology from acute covid, long covid and from vaccination, the emphasis has been on the effects of spike protein. Here we explore the role of pro-inflammatory molecules including interferons and high-mobility group box 1 proteins (HMGB1) produced in response to severe infection, and/or spike protein injection.

Long covid myths busted
The claims that long covid could be a “mass disabling event” are totally unfounded based on the data from two recent papers.

International round up on restrictions and vaccine advice
The rest of the world is waking up gradually to the nonsense of differentiating between vaccinated and unvaccinated tourists. This may be galling for anyone who chose to get vaccinated solely for travel, only to find they didn’t actually need it by the time the trip arrived. The website here gives regular updates, though it is always advisable to check with the official guidelines for an individual country.

Further evidence of increased reinfection rates in the vaccinated
There have been numerous anecdotal reports of people experiencing frequent episodes of Covid-19 infection, whether or not vaccinated, and there is still no good explanation for why this is happening and whether there are any particular characteristics which predispose to reinfections.

More worrying data on menstrual changes following mRNA vaccination
A new peer-reviewed paper has been published in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology by a team in Israel. They compared 3 cycles of menstruation before and after 2 doses of the Pfizer mRNA injection in 219 women aged between 18 and 50 who regularly record their periods electronically or on paper.

Why are so many people dying?
The disappointment from Covidean doom-mongers about the recent – and entirely expected – downtick in cases of respiratory disease has been palpable, presumably because this has happened without recourse to ‘clever’ public health interventions.

Masks in NHS Campaign
Irrespective of setting, masking healthy people does more harm than good. Yet much of the NHS persists with the expectation that everybody (staff, patients and visitors) should continue to wear a face covering in their hospitals, health centres and GP practices.

How many injections prevent one covid death?
Risk is notoriously difficult to communicate effectively. It is especially hard when referring to an emotive subject like the risk of dying as the emotional response prevents rational interpretation of complex numbers. To simplify understanding of the benefits of interventions the number of people who need to be treated to prevent a death can be measured, the number needed to treat (or “NNT”). The same

State-sponsored behavioural science
The ubiquitous deployment of behavioural-science techniques – ‘nudges’ – to increase compliance with both covid-19 restrictions and the vaccine rollout has raised major ethical concerns. Particularly alarming has been the state’s strategic use of fear (or ‘affect’ in the language of behavioural science), shaming (‘ego’) and peer pressure (‘norms’).

German Ministry of Health reports on vaccine injury
The German Health Minister is an extremist in his views on the novel ‘vaccines’, promoting their use in children and claiming there have been no side effects. However, the German Ministry of Health appears to have some good actors among their staff who have reported on data from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the German regulator responsible for vaccine safety.

The latest on vaccination of 5-11
n February 2022, the JCVI in their wisdom, made a ‘non-urgent offer’ of Covid-19 vaccination for healthy children aged 5-11, scheduled to begin in April. It is worth reading the full statement, which hardly makes a strong case.

Impact of vaccination on covid death
Authorities continue to claim that vaccination provides 80% protection from covid death. The data that these calculations are based on are measured in sample populations subject to different biases.

(Yet) more worrying data on myocarditis in children
Hart recently published an article summarising the results of a study performed in the US military which found that nearly 3% of those vaccinated with smallpox vaccine developed subclinical myocarditis (defined by an increased troponin level – which was prospectively measured in all subjects).

Open Letter: Covid-19-vaccine-associated Myocarditis – a Cumulative Risk
We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern at the guidance regarding further mRNA vaccination after any episode of myocarditis, as detailed in the UKHSA guidance for healthcare professionals.

Open Letter to the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care
We, the undersigned health professionals and scientists, call upon you urgently to pause the covid- 19 vaccine rollout for healthy children, while a thorough and independent safety review is undertaken.