New theories of covid pathology

When investigating the cause of pathology from acute covid, long covid and from vaccination, the emphasis has been on the effects of spike protein. Here we explore the role of pro-inflammatory molecules including interferons and high-mobility group box 1 proteins (HMGB1) produced in response to severe infection, and/or spike protein injection.

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International round up on restrictions and vaccine advice 

The rest of the world is waking up gradually to the nonsense of differentiating between vaccinated and unvaccinated tourists. This may be galling for anyone who chose to get vaccinated solely for travel, only to find they didn’t actually need it by the time the trip arrived. The website here gives regular updates, though it is always advisable to check with the official guidelines for an individual country.   

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How many injections prevent one covid death?

Risk is notoriously difficult to communicate effectively. It is especially hard when referring to an emotive subject like the risk of dying as the emotional response prevents rational interpretation of complex numbers. To simplify understanding of the benefits of interventions the number of people who need to be treated to prevent a death can be measured, the number needed to treat (or “NNT”). The same

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State-sponsored behavioural science

The ubiquitous deployment of behavioural-science techniques – ‘nudges’ – to increase compliance with both covid-19 restrictions and the vaccine rollout has raised major ethical concerns. Particularly alarming has been the state’s strategic use of fear (or ‘affect’ in the language of behavioural science), shaming (‘ego’) and peer pressure (‘norms’).

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