The complex beliefs of the covid and climate cults

Ideologies built on sand

In order to fully believe in the covid cult there were numerous beliefs all of which had to be believed. Disbelieving any one of them would cause the whole house of cards to collapse.

1. There was a virus that our immune systems would consider novel


2. There were catastrophic levels of excess deaths


3. Those excess deaths were caused by the virus


4. The “measures” were necessary to prevent more deaths


5. The “measures” were the only thing that could be done


6. The measures worked


7. The measures weren’t so harmful as to be worse than the virus

Zero covid ended when the belief in point 6 collapsed, even while the other beliefs were maintained. A similar series of beliefs are necessary to sign up to the official narrative regarding climate change.

1. The earth is warming


2. The warming is caused exclusively by atmospheric CO2 levels


3. The major driver of atmospheric CO2 is anthropogenic


4. The warming will be destructive


5. There is only one solution


6. That solution will work

It is only necessary to introduce doubt on one of the beliefs for the whole net zero scheme to collapse. With the recently reported sudden surge in ocean temperatures followed afterwards by a rise in CO2 levels, points 2 and 3 are both starting to look very shaky.

Neither narrative is open to nuance. Neither invites any questioning. Both of them are a shortcut to global tyranny.

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