A donation request from the HART Group The team at HART have been publishing our news bulletin for almost two years. It has been a veritable roller-coaster, replete with delightful MSM hit pieces, professional hacks, epic twitter trolling and all the other fun activities associated with daring to question The Science™. We have deliberately remained […]
Zero Covid
And Just Like That… It Was All Gone
Newsflash from China: the world’s last bastion of Zero Covid has finally given up the pretence. “Covid China cracks”… this is a message that seems to have penetrated even the mainstream media’s coverage.
‘Zero Covid’ – an impossible dream – the update
It is always salutary to re-read one’s words of a year ago, and to see how they have stood the test of time. What’s more, Devi Sridhar, a proponent of Zero Covid, recently wrote in the Guardian that we should all admit our mistakes…
JCVI – don’t bite the hand…
There’s a well known expression “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” It can be taken literally – if an animal bites the hand that feeds it, it won’t get fed. In the business or academic world, it means don’t upset your funder. It’s obvious really – if you do, they won’t fund you anymore.
Problems with the ONS Denominator
The ONS population estimate is severely flawed
Freedom Day… or a temporary reprieve?
8 July 2021 – HART has serious concerns about the direction of travel, and will continue to challenge the authorities in a constructive and evidence-based manner.
Welcome to ‘Zero Covid’
13 May 2021 – It is not possible to carry out over 6 million tests a week and return no positive results. Every test has an error rate and will return false positive results at a constant low percentage of tests.
‘Zero Covid’ – an impossible dream
By Professor David Livermore Professor of Medical Microbiology It is not realistic to eliminate a respiratory virus like SARS-CoV-2, any more than it is to eliminate the ‘flu or the common cold. Zero Covid is the public health strategy that seeks to eliminate COVID-19. It has influential backers,1 notably Nicola Sturgeon,2 Devi Sridhar,3 Independent SAGE,4 […]