UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry – chapter 1

Module 4, report from day 1 of the hearings to which we are not invited. HART was one of a number of groups who were asked to provide detailed witness statements to the Inquiry, only to find we will not be called to give oral evidence. The Inquiry legal team have apparently shared our statements with the Core Participants and indeed with one of their commissioned experts, but have not as yet confirmed whether or not our statements will be available on the Inquiry website.
Preliminary statements from day 1 are not encouraging!

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Divide and Conquer

Our drug safety monitoring systems are designed to identify an increase in the incidence of a rare condition. That is why they worked relatively well at identifying the Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis and myocarditis cases. They are bad at identifying increases in more common conditions and terrible at identifying multi-system conditions.

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Pick of the Week – 1st November

This week’s selection includes use of DNACPR notices on the elderly and disabled leading to a police investigation in Scotland.
Meanwhile in the US, workers have won compensation for job losses due to vaccine mandates, and a health board in Idaho has voted to pull Covid-19 vaccines from their health clinics.
Canada hits rock bottom, with so-called ‘assisted dying’ aka ‘state-endorsed killing’ of a young man with a devastating vaccine injury. If you haven’t yet written to your MP about the End of Life Bill coming back to Westminster on 22nd November, now is the moment.

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6-month cardiac follow-up data finally arrives

In August 2021, the JCVI said they wanted to delay a decision about children’s covid vaccines until 6-month followup data was available on children from the US who had sustained vaccine-induced myocarditis. But instead of waiting, they passed the decision to the Chief Medical Officers, who decided the jabs would be good for children’s mental health! Well the data is now in and it is not encouraging.

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Does mother know best?

The cost-benefit decisions that drive NHS spending can be hard to reconcile. On one hand, loving parents face roadblocks from courts and medical experts when seeking life-saving treatments for their children. On the other, vast sums are spent on COVID-19 interventions, raising the question: What is a life truly worth, and who gets to decide? Shouldn’t loving parents have more say when the stakes are so high?

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Why do Monkeypox mRNA vaccines cause the same problems as Covid vaccines?

Here we reproduce a letter written to an MP by a constituent.

The letter raises concerns about the potential risks of approving future mRNA vaccines under a “platform authorisation” model whereby updates are assumed to be safe because the underlying methodology is considered safe – the way seasonal egg based influenza vaccines were regulated. This means the Monkeypox mRNA vaccines and others need not be authorised on a product-specific basis as discussed in a May 2024 MHRA Board meeting, but can piggy back on the claims made about the safety of covid vaccines. What could possibly go wrong?

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