6-month cardiac follow-up data finally arrives

In August 2021, the JCVI said they wanted to delay a decision about children’s covid vaccines until 6-month followup data was available on children from the US who had sustained vaccine-induced myocarditis. But instead of waiting, they passed the decision to the Chief Medical Officers, who decided the jabs would be good for children’s mental health! Well the data is now in and it is not encouraging.

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The Ickabog by JK Rowling: A Review

“What must happen for evil to get a grip on a person, or of a country, and what does it take to defeat it? Why do people choose to believe lies even on scant or non-existent evidence?” This was the foreward to JK Rowling’s account of life in the mythical country of Cornucopia. Our reviewer invites readers to think of any modern day parallels.

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Does mother know best?

The cost-benefit decisions that drive NHS spending can be hard to reconcile. On one hand, loving parents face roadblocks from courts and medical experts when seeking life-saving treatments for their children. On the other, vast sums are spent on COVID-19 interventions, raising the question: What is a life truly worth, and who gets to decide? Shouldn’t loving parents have more say when the stakes are so high?

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Gender ideology: What’s happening in the rest of the UK?

Gender ideology has been topical in England in recent years, with significant happenings, such as The Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock Clinic closing, the banning of puberty blockers being prescribed to children, and the release of the recent CASS report, which highlighted the lack of a clear evidence base for allowing children to change sex. In a further shift of policy, NHS England has rightly stated that biological sex is fact and should be respected in hospital settings.

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When money and ethics collide

Last month, HART wrote an article on the spring booster programme, including linking to an article in Chemist+Druggist on the pending availability of private covid vaccines in pharmacies up and down the land. A company called Pharmadoctor was the first into the ring but has been followed by others including Boots, the oldest of the UK high street chemists, whose strapline on their website is: We serve your wellbeing for life.

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Open letter to the JCVI – 19th August 2021

Children do not need Covid vaccines Open letter to Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation                                                                                                    19th August 2021 Dear Professor Lim and colleagues, As you know, a group of 60 British doctors and scientists wrote to the MHRA in May with a copy to members of the JCVI, expressing our concerns about the potential […]

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Letter to CMO & Chief Scientist

No masks in secondary schools Masking is not normal and should not be normalised Saturday 8th August 2020 Dear Professor Whitty & Professor Vallance, I am writing to you both urgently on behalf of an extremely concerned group of parents, grandparents and teachers, following the announcement today that the Irish government have recommended face masks for both […]

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Open letter to JCVI 9th December 2021

Why give a second dose to children? Professor Lim, Chairman, JCVI COVID-19 subcommittee Dr June Raine, Chief Executive, MHRA Rt Hon Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England Sir Patrick Vallance, Government Chief Scientific Adviser Dr Jenny Harries, Chief Executive, UKHSA 9th December 2021 […]

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Open letter to JCVI 6th June 2021

Professor Wei Shen Lim, Chairman, Covid-19 immunisation committee, Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) Dear Professor Lim,  I and 50 senior doctors and academics, wrote to you urgently on 17th May (linked here) to express our grave concerns about the possibility of the COVID-19 vaccination programme being extended to children. I was informed that the letter […]

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Deaths of Scottish babies

Public Health Scotland demonstrated a significant increase in neonatal deaths (in the first month of life) in 2021 but refused to investigate whether it was related to the vaccine because such an analysis “whilst being uninformative for public health decision making, had the potential to be used to harm vaccine confidence”. 

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