Serious concerns over vaccine safety for children
To: Mr Charlie Massey, CEO, General Medical Council
Dear Mr Massey,
I am writing to you to share with you a number of letters from a group of healthcare professionals and scientists who have written repeatedly to the MHRA and the JCVI around the decision making for covid-19 vaccines in children.
There seems to be a reckless disregard for safety, in particularly with the decision to give a second dose of Pfizer despite minuted meetings showing the JCVI’s concerns over myocarditis risk. As you will see from our latest letter, the new UKHSA guidance on myocarditis makes it clear that there is no long term outcome data for children recovering from vaccine-induced myocarditis, hence it is impossible to get proper informed consent. This new leaflet is not being shared widely amongst staff in vaccination centres, let alone with parents.
The MHRA have failed to answer questions about excess deaths in males aged 15-19 which have been rising since May. They appear to have failed in their duty of care to create an effective post-marketing surveillance system, with yellow card completion being very hit and miss and with no transparency on which the public can then base their decision. The mantra of ‘safe and effective‘ is being used by staff in vaccine centres, with no regard for the information given to be relevant to the age group or health risk of the person in front of them, which is a serious breach of Montgomery.
I take these matters very seriously, as I am sure you will. Many thanks for addressing my concerns and those of my co-signatories.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Rosamond Jones, MBBS, MD, FRCPCH, GMC number 1495616