A ‘new’ version of events starts to become acceptable
Those of us who have spent the last 2 years researching and writing about all aspects of the pandemic and its management, sometimes find it hard to fathom why our colleagues appear so blind to harms which have seemed to be staring us in the face. How guilty are we all of ‘confirmation bias’ ie the tendency to accept findings that confirm our existing ideas and pick holes in articles which challenge them? How guilty are we all of taking official guidelines at face value rather than pulling up the articles in the reference list and critically appraising them? Is it even possible for individuals to keep up to date with all the literature relevant to their speciality?
But this summer, more doctors are speaking out. On Monday 26th September, members of the Children’s Covid Vaccines Advisory Council (CCVAC) delivered to No 10 Downing Street a letter to the Prime Minister with copies of all their previous letters dating back to May 2021. The letter calls on Ms Truss to join Denmark in pausing all vaccine rollouts to healthy under 18s pending a thorough and independent safety review. This event was covered by GBNews, but needless to say by no other news outlets. But the following day, in a press conference hosted by the World Council of Health, cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra went a large step further, calling for a halt for adults too. He describes his journey from enthusiastically double-jabbed through to reluctantly concluding that the vaccines are causing significant harm. He has published a two-part article in the Journal of Insulin Resistance in which he says, “There is also a strong scientific, ethical and moral case to be made that the current mRNA vaccine administration must stop until Pfizer releases all the raw data for independent scrutiny.”
Then on the 28th, News Uncut & Oracle Films premiered a documentary – “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: A SECOND OPINION”. At the time this article is going to press, it is still available to watch on YouTube, but if this link fails, go to https://www.oraclefilms.com/ instead. It is harrowing viewing with testimony from several vaccine-injured and needs to be shared widely. A new group called DoctorsForPatientsUK has started weekly online seminars and, separately, a conference in London on October 15th will try to focus on the way forward, as more and more doctors are beginning to realise the harms that are occurring. Please consider sending a notice of this conference to your GP.