But is anyone listening?
Graham Stringer MP, co-chair of the Pandemic Response and Recovery APPG has sent yet a third letter to Steve Brine MP, Health and Social Care Committee chairman, raising further concerns about the MHRA. He and Esther McVey first wrote in October 2023 a long letter co-signed by 21 MPs and four members of the House of Lords plus the founders of two victims’ support groups, Marie Lyon from the Association for Children Damaged by Hormone Pregnancy Tests (Primodos.org) and Kath Sansom, founder of ‘Sling the Mesh’ and also Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford. The letter highlighted failings of the MHRA going back decades and up to and including covid vaccine injuries. The replies have been dismissive hence two more follow-up letters.
Meanwhile Andrew Bridgen has been joined by 6 other MPs in sending a letter to the Chief Statistician, printed in full below. Having taken advice from Professor Carl Heneghan and HART member, Professor Norman Fenton, they have drawn up a very specific data set for Professor Sir Ian Diamond to obtain in order to properly investigate to what extent the covid vaccines are a factor in the undeniable increased all cause mortality.

The response, if any, to this request will tell us all we need to know. If the data really can demonstrate that there is no correlation between covid vaccination and all cause mortality then surely they would publish it forthwith.
All anyone is asking is for information to be released that might well show that most MPs, civil servants and health authorities may have fooled themselves so effectively, mainly due to absolute scientific ignorance, that they allowed themselves to take an experimental treatment which may well have little, or even no effectivity but is proven to caused heart damage, possibly permanent, and especially in previously fit young people. They then gave it to their own children and pushed it on others. Repeat for 3 years. If this was to be allowed, might they not think themselves slightly foolish?
What doctors may believe is a totally different matter