Pick of the month – January 2025

A busy month

A lot has been happening in January 2025. Just when we might have had a post-Christmas pause, we were busy preparing for the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry. And no, we are not there in person but will have a People’s Vaccine Inquiry meeting to follow on. Watch this space…

Not to mention President Trump’s inauguration. As I write, we await news of whether Robert F Kennedy Junior will be endorsed as head of the HHS and if so what power will he have to change the current health paradigm.

Meanwhile a few quick roundups

End if Life Bill: 

Why is the UK government so desperate to rush through its “assisted dying” bill? Jonathan Engler, 22nd January 2025

Jonathan highlights the decision not to call the Royal College of Psychiatrists, who are known to have grave reservations about the bill.

MHRA not fit for purpose

‘The most disgraceful period of recent history’ – MPs savage the MHRA Sally Beck, TCW, 24th January

Esther McVey introduced a debate on the functioning of the MHRA, with MPs from 3 different parties highlighting disastrous delays in dealing with safety issues dating back over 50 years. The only ‘good news’ was that they resolved ‘that the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency continues to need substantial reform’. 

UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry:

There have been so many articles in the last two weeks, all highlighting the total whitewash, the lies under oath and the failure to answer the vital questions of safety of the gene-based vaccines. Here are links to just some: https://biologyphenom.substack.com covers all of the witnesses from the vaccine-injured and bereaved groups. Clare Craig writes in TCW about the Process 1 and Process 2 debacle. And Nick Hunt, from Perseus group, writes in the Daily Sceptic about further MHRA failures.

Doctors who spoke out:

“This is unethical and this is madness” – NZ doctor Alison Goodwin on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, 3 July 2021 Elizabeth Hart, 23rd January 2025

There is much criticism, rightly, of the vast majority of doctors who have lost all their critical thinking skills and refused to question what they clearly could see to be wrong, but here is a timely reminder of one of those who did speak up.

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