Pick of the Week 30th November 

A seletion of stories we wanted to share

UK COVID-19 Inquiry 6 Nov 2024 Testimony by Nick Phin, Director of Public Health Scotland

Another insightful report from Biologyphenom’s Substack on ICU capacity and occupancy during the last 4 years.  A particularly telling quote was: “We can only make INFERENCES (best guess) at the beginning until we changed our definition of how we would identify a COVID related death we were using a definition of someone who was COVID positive and died within a certain period of that diagnosis being made. That tended to OVER-EMPHASISE if you like because…..many of the people who actually developed COVID had many comorbidities and it may have been another cause that eventually led to their death.’’ 

Mr Phin also revealed that as of December 2020, only 60 (11%) of the 536 ICU beds available in Scotland were occupied with ‘Covid patients’ and 334 (60%) beds remained unused.

Remember this was at a time when residents in care homes were given Do Not Resuscitate notices, which effectively prevented them being admitted to hospital for standard care, let alone intensive care.

Revealed: Pfizer’s hidden vaccine injuries Sally Beck, TCW, 11th November 

The MSM have recently started reporting more widely on vaccine adverse events from AstraZeneca but as usual it takes Sally Beck at TCW to point out that Pfizer and Moderna run a close second. The MSM thrust is always that this events are tragic but extremely rare and highlight the need (not j in n dispute) for proper support and compensation. But it takes Sally Beck and others in the ‘alternative media’ to point out that drugs in the past have been pulled for much lower adverse events rates. 

Why are these mRNA products still being pushed to the unsuspecting public?

Re: Protecting infants through covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy Dr Peter Selley, BMJ Rapid Response, 20th November 2024

Good news from retired GP Peter Selley via a BMJ rapid response post, that Covid-19 vaccines will not be offered in pregnancy in Spring or Autumn 2025! The number of women needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one baby being admitted to intensive care was calculated by the JCVI to be 190,000. In fact the case for Covid-19 vaccines at all seems to be dwindling once the cost includes the cost of the vaccines – at present they are calculating only the procedure cost since the vaccines have already been pre-procured – ie they have spare stock. Just remember that, if you get a vaccine injury.

8 Malaysians file RM60mil suit against govt, WHO over Covid-19 vaccine  Rahmat Khairulrijal 27th November 2024

This lawsuit is not just about lockdown harms or vaccine injuries, it hits at the heart of the whole pandemic and whether it was manufactured for profit. 

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