Children given 2 doses of Covid-19 mRNA vaccine show an abnormal immune response a year later. But who cares?
Tag: children

When money and ethics collide
Last month, HART wrote an article on the spring booster programme, including linking to an article in Chemist+Druggist on the pending availability of private covid vaccines in pharmacies up and down the land. A company called Pharmadoctor was the first into the ring but has been followed by others including Boots, the oldest of the UK high street chemists, whose strapline on their website is: We serve your wellbeing for life.

Unvaccinated children barred from Birmingham schools
The new face of coercion Unvaccinated children sent home from school as a ‘National incident’ is declared. Does that ring any bells? Well maybe if you had lived in Lithuania or California during the recent pandemic. But here in the UK, those strident voices warning of ‘consequences’ for citizens declining an offer of a covid […]
Open letter to Chief Medical Officers 06-09-2021
Children do not need Covid vaccines 6th September 2021 Open letter to: Professor Chris Whitty – CMO England: Email [email protected] Michael McBride – CMO Northern Ireland: [email protected] Gregor Smith – CMO Scotland: [email protected] Frank Atherton – CMO Wales: [email protected] Dear Professor Whitty, Dr McBride, Dr Smith and Dr Atherton, We are a group of 60 […]
Open letter to the JCVI – 19th August 2021
Children do not need Covid vaccines Open letter to Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation 19th August 2021 Dear Professor Lim and colleagues, As you know, a group of 60 British doctors and scientists wrote to the MHRA in May with a copy to members of the JCVI, expressing our concerns about the potential […]
A further letter to the Secretary of State
11th August 2022 Your ref DE-1411619 Dear Mr X, Thank you for your detailed reply on behalf of the Secretary of State, but unfortunately it totally fails to address the concerns outlined in our recent letter. You start with a statement ‘Vaccines are now safer than ever before’. Can you explain if that is the […]
Letter to CMO & Chief Scientist
No masks in secondary schools Masking is not normal and should not be normalised Saturday 8th August 2020 Dear Professor Whitty & Professor Vallance, I am writing to you both urgently on behalf of an extremely concerned group of parents, grandparents and teachers, following the announcement today that the Irish government have recommended face masks for both […]
Open letter to JCVI 9th December 2021
Why give a second dose to children? Professor Lim, Chairman, JCVI COVID-19 subcommittee Dr June Raine, Chief Executive, MHRA Rt Hon Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England Sir Patrick Vallance, Government Chief Scientific Adviser Dr Jenny Harries, Chief Executive, UKHSA 9th December 2021 […]
Open letter to JCVI 6th June 2021
Professor Wei Shen Lim, Chairman, Covid-19 immunisation committee, Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) Dear Professor Lim, I and 50 senior doctors and academics, wrote to you urgently on 17th May (linked here) to express our grave concerns about the possibility of the COVID-19 vaccination programme being extended to children. I was informed that the letter […]

Professor Lim, how can boosters protect others?
Professor Lim, how can boosters protect others?
Where is the logic or indeed the ethics of the autumn booster programme?

AstraZeneca children’s trial breaches Helsinki
As a retired paediatrician, I was shocked to see the Oxford Vaccine Group advertising on Twitter for children aged 6-17 to join the latest Sars-CoV-2 vaccine trial[1]. In the two days it has taken me coposing this letter, I now see from tonight’s BBC news that the trial has already begun.

Com-COV-3 booster study for 12-15-year-olds
a letter to the senior investigator and the chair of the Research Ethics Committee 9th August 2022 Professor Matthew Snape, Chief Investigator Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine University of Oxford, Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LE Mr David Carpenter, Chairman, South Central – Berkshire Research Ethic Committee Bristol REC Centre, Temple […]

Full open letter to MHRA 17-05-2021
Supporting evidence re concerns surrounding COVID-19 vaccination in children Dr June Raine, CEO, Medicines & Healthcare devices Regulatory Authority, cc: Professor Lim, Chairman, JCVI Covid-19 vaccines committee cc: Professor Chris Whitty, CMO, Co-chair of SAGE cc: Sir Patrick Vallence, Chief Scientific Officer, Co-chair of SAGE Dear Dr Raine, We wish to notify you of our […]

Open Letter to MHRA on vaccines for 0-5s
Open letter to the MHRA re Moderna application for 0-5s. Will Dame June follow this baby’s view on the precautionary principle? One can live in hopes!

Latest Open Letter to our Latest Prime Minister
Yet another open letter to the Prime Minister on the lack of safety of Covid-19 vaccines for children
Letter from ONS presented in the High Court in London 12-01-2021
By email only 12 January 2022 DX 123243, Westminster 12 Your ref: SJ/JRMHRA22101 Our ref: Z2112698/BDH/HOI7 Dear Sirs Re: Application for non-party disclosure in R (on the application of (1) AB and (2) CD, children by their mother and litigation friend, EF) v The Office for National Statistics CO/3001/2021 We write in response to […]