Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill had its frist reading on 16th October. Yhe Welsh parliament have voted against it. An open leeter to the Prime Minister is included in this article.
Tag: mortality

Too many deaths are to be expected
Mathematical modelling has a role to play in predicting deaths but as with all modelling it needs to be used very carefully. We have seen modellers who make the assumption that everyone was susceptible to covid then producing dramatic graphs that show everyone would catch it. We’ve also seen modellers who assumed masks worked then producing dramatic graphs of how they could minimise covid. Of all modelling crimes, putting your conclusion into your assumptions is surely the worst.

Trying to bargain away the excess deaths problem
Politicians fancied themselves as heroes in 2020. They were saving lives. Having played doctor with the population they are now being shown the fallout and it is not pretty. They are working through the stages of grief.

Joint open letter to MPs retiring in 2024
How will you be remembered? Also available on Substack – Come and join the conversation with open comments A Word version of the letter available for download HERE for those who readers would also like to forward to their MP to ensure response. Letter to all Members of Parliament standing down at the next General […]
Letter from ONS presented in the High Court in London 12-01-2021
By email only 12 January 2022 DX 123243, Westminster 12 www.gov.uk/gld Your ref: SJ/JRMHRA22101 Our ref: Z2112698/BDH/HOI7 Dear Sirs Re: Application for non-party disclosure in R (on the application of (1) AB and (2) CD, children by their mother and litigation friend, EF) v The Office for National Statistics CO/3001/2021 We write in response to […]