The Good Fight

Who is really to blame?

Dr Ian McDermott, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, has written this heart felt rallying cry to stop attributing blame and start focusing on how each of us can make a difference.

Over the last four years there has been a recurring theme of finding someone to blame for the suffering people have experienced. Various groups have been blamed: 

– Some may call them ‘The Cabal’.

– ⁠Some just refer to them as ‘The Globalists’.

– ⁠Some call them ‘The Elites’ ⁠(personally, I prefer ‘The Parasite Class’!)

– ⁠Some say they are the old Venetians families, such as The Orsinis (remnants of the  old Roman Empire!)

– ⁠Some say they are The Kasarians.

– ⁠Some say they’re whoever owns The Central Banks. Maybe the Rothschilds.

– The Rockefellers certainly look a bit suspect!

– ⁠Some simply blame ‘The Corporates’, like Black Rock and Big Pharma.

My personal opinion as to who / what the real enemy of humanity truly is, is that, unfortunately, it’s simply ’Human Nature’!

Human Nature can be utterly beautiful: kind, caring, empathetic, altruistic, generous, self-sacrificing; however, it can also be beyond horrendous, and the stuff of the worst possible nightmares… and it’s all around us!

If just 1% of the population are sociopaths (and I think it’s actually more than that), and if just 1% of them are true psychopaths… then that would make maybe 70,000 or so genuine psychopaths worldwide (but I think it’s probably significantly more than that).

Society is such that these psychopathic individuals are strongly prejudiced in a positive fashion towards ‘success’, in terms of ending up at the top of industry, professions and  politics. They tend to be highly intelligent, but devoid of and therefore not held back by empathy or remorse, and highly narcissistic, and incapable of true love (other than of themselves). They tend to be relentless, and these are the people that tend to rise to the top. So, we have a system that positively discriminates towards brutal psychopaths ruling us and dictating to us.

It matters not, really, who they are, what their names are or what group(s) they’re potentially in / from… they’ve simply existed in one form or another since mankind first walked the Earth. And importantly… no matter what we do… they always will walk the Earth!!?! Like the Hydra: cut off one head, and another will simply grow back and replace it.

However… despair not! There is good news!

This is what some refer to as ‘The Good Fight’…

Know that this fight has been ongoing since time immemorial, and regardless of us lot and our tiny little blip on the vast landscape of time… it will, undoubtedly and inevitably, go on if not forever more, then certainly for a very very long time to come.

So, we’re fighting battles in a war that’s most probably just a part of a far bigger long-lasting / ever-lasting war… and, if the horrible bastards at the top on ‘their side’ are the great white sharks, circling around at the top of the food chain and picking things off at will… then we are just the plankton, WAY beneath them! 

The little people. 

Not noteworthy enough to be of any real individual concern. 

The cannon fodder.

‘The Useless Eaters’, as they refer to us.

So, no matter who they are or what their names… the most that we, the plankton, can realistically hope to do is to thwart their plans constantly and repeatedly, and although our actions may be reactive rather than proactive, our advantage is that we are the many… and our aim should be to eventually, with time, hopefully make ourselves a large minority, if not actually the majority.

We can be the spanners in their works.

The fly in their ointment.

The ghost in their machine.

The Resistance.

The important thing is not to ever question: ‘Can we win?’… But instead, to ask ourselves: ‘Could we possibly not do the right thing, and just give up, give in and fail to fight?’

To only fight those battles you’re confident in winning is to be a bully. To give up and to give in to despair, or even worse, to be indifferent, is to abandon and lose the very essence of what it should really mean to be a decent civilised human being, rather than just an animal, like a lizard!!!

So, focus not too much (and certainly not to the point of it bringing discord and damage within our own ranks) on those higher echelons of evil that are, and that will undoubtedly remain, beyond our personal reach. Focus, instead, on the baby steps – on those problems where we can actually fight and make a difference.

The ‘good guys’ need to keep our eyes on the bigger picture, and on our shared areas of commonality and joint purpose, and we need to stay as united as we possibly / reasonably can, to ensure that together we are as effective as we possibly can be in what we need to do.

It’s painfully tragic to see good people on ‘our side’ having a go at each other and picking fights that just don’t need to be fought, and that shouldn’t be fought right now.

We’re all different, but in essence, as long as we’re all fighting for humanity, then we’re all on the same side, and hence we’re all allies.

Love and light, folks, love and light – and enjoy ‘The Good Fight’, ‘cos it’s actually a deep privilege to be able to fight in it!


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