WHO Pandemic Agreement:

WHO or UN, ‘Pandemic Treaty’ or ‘Pact for the Future’, all paths lead to Rome or somewhere to which most of the world’s population are not invited! Some of it seems benevolent but on balance ‘global totalitarianism’ by the back door with no elected representatives or clear accountability.

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The Smallpox vanishing Act

The primary beliefs of vaccinology are that it is possible to educate the immune system to protect against disease, that vaccines are safe and that smallpox was eradicated. It is quite possible to be very confident about the first points and still be able to question the evidence for the last one.

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WHO Decides? Part 1: Money

The world is at a crucial crossroads with imminent changes to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Many are aware of a proposed new treaty and maybe even the changes to the International Health Regulations, but what people might not be aware of are the plans for your money. Beliefs about what happened with covid are not relevant to this discussion. You could think that covid was the biggest public health disaster in history and these plans should still concern you.

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Should the UK sign up to the proposed WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty?

Late last year HART was invited to be a co-signatory on an open letter to the relevant parliamentary scrutiny committees on the much vexed question of increasing WHO powers. The proposals are via a combination of changes to international health regulations, which require only a 51% majority of member states, and a wholescale change to the Treaty, which would require a two thirds majority. 

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Will the WHO regulation amendments do more harm than good?

HART was a co-signatory to an open letter to the UK House of Commons and House of Lords scrutiny committees regarding the impact of the proposed amendments to international health regulations. Dr David Bell, public health physician and senior scholar of the Brownstone Institute, has written a detailed synopsis of all the proposed changes – Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide.

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How to nullify criticism of the vaccines

At a time when concerns about serious adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines are escalating, one might reasonably expect the World Health Organisation (WHO) – a specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health – to take immediate and decisive action. Perhaps a recommendation to pause the vaccine rollout would be a reasonable step under the circumstances.

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World Health Organization’s Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty

These proposals are a major threat to our sovereignty and democracy The WHO has been flexing its muscles for several years but Covid-19 has provided a huge opportunity for mission creep.  The latest in its quest for  ever-increasing power is the proposed legally binding Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty.  Without even waiting for the […]

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