Some links we feel are worth your time…
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🔗 Sturgeon making children wear masks was political, Sir Patrick Vallance wrote in Covid diary Simon Johnson and Neil Johnstone, The Telegraph, 12th March 2024
Unfortunately, the Telegraph is behind a paywall, but this article highlights the political and unscientific nature of so much of the decisions making. The quotes are largely from SirPatrick Vallance’s notebooks, published by the UK Covid-19 Inquiry here. In August 2020, the Chief Medical Officers of the four nations agreed on a plan for the reopening of schools, highlighting the very low impact of Covid-19 on children. Masks were dismissed as likely to be ineffective. However, only a few days later, Nicola Sturgeon announced that Scottish secondary school children would be required to wear masks. The government in Westminster, despite clearly disagreeing with this plan, went ahead anyway. Sir Chris Whitty commented in his WhatsApp messages that “there were “no very strong reasons” for introducing the change but it was “not worth an argument” with Ms Sturgeon.”
None of them seem to have seriously put children’s welfare at the heart of their decision making.
🔗 Hallett Inquiry: The Extraordinary Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson, Trust the Evidence Substack, 15th March 2024
“So, we learnt that a mass testing centre appeared in Wales without anyone knowing. Deloittes did fairly well during the pandemic. They were one of the big winners due to the government’s reliance on consultants; they were awarded public sector contracts worth £280m – that’s the ones we know about….Despite the bumper contracts, Deloitte didn’t stop there: it formed a partnership with Salesforce to make more money by claiming it could give a “single view of all the test and trace activity in your local area”. It was selling the test data it was collecting for the government back to councils. It’s a good selling strategy: take one and pay for two.”
🔗 UK Government Use of Behavioural Science Strategies in Covid-Event Messaging Gary Sidley, AHPb Magazine for Self & Society | No. 11, 2023-4.
HART member, Gary Sidley, has written repeatedly on the subject of the psychological manipulation carried out during the ‘covid event’, most recently only a couple of week’s ago here. The link above is to a detailed analysis focusing in particular on the controversial ‘Look them in the eyes’ messaging campaign. His findings reveal “the rationales offered by the creators to justify the use of the emotionally disturbing advertisements” and also confirm “that the harrowing messages and videos were developed without any ethical oversight.” He discusses the implications of these findings for future state-funded public communications during times of ‘crisis’.
Well worth reading.
🔗 The WHO Director-General is about to become the World Health Dictator, unless we stop him! UKMFA and Meryl Nass,18th March
A hard hitting description of what will happen to countries, including the UK, that seem determined to sign up in May. Some countries are refusing to sign but not enough to defeat it. Contact your MP if you haven’t already done so.