The show will go on…
The HART team would like to say an enormous Thank You for your extremely kind donations.
It was extremely heart-warming to receive such a positive response, with some very kind email messages to accompany them from our readers.
To date, we have received 112 donations and have raised just over £4,000. We are as grateful for the many small donations as the handful who gave over a hundred pounds. This will cover our running costs for at least another year. We intend to publish our financials for complete transparency to show exactly how the money is spent.
This is following our call last week for a small donation from readers who think our work is valuable and would like us to continue. The donation link is still active for anyone who missed it last week and would like to contribute.
The funds will cover server costs, iStock photo footage, Mailchimp newsletter services and occasional outgoings for conferences, in order to reach a wider audience.