Excess Deaths Adjournment Debate

Will MPs attend this time?

Andrew Bridgen has secured an adjournment debate on the vital subject of Excess Mortality. This much vexed subject has generally been ignored by the majority of MPs as well as the mainstream media. The excess noted back in 2021 in adolescent males was highlighted in the High Court and the excess was acknowledged even then but with no decision to investigate. HART wrote to the MHRA at that time, as did members of the Pandemic Recovery APPG. Questions have been asked in the House of Commons too. But all attempts to get the issue taken seriously have drawn a blank. 

Unfortunately, John Campbell put up a link to a substack article last week on this topic, which had some significant inaccuracies leading to an overestimation of the excess. This got picked up by a listener who asked BBC’s More or Less programme to check it out. They delighted in rubbishing the presentation but failed to address the underlying concern of what the cause of the excess mortality might be.

This week a combined open letter has been sent to all MPs, but particularly those who are due to retire in 2024 and for whom maybe it is time to think of their constituents rather than political party loyalties. 

Whether your MP is standing down or not, please send them a copy of this letter and ask them to attend the debate on 20th October – the more requests MPs receive, the more likely they are to attend.

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