Some links that are worth the time…
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🔗 The Hospitals Clinging to Covid Masks Despite All Evidence, Gary Sidley, The Daily Sceptic 9th January 2024
Last week we highlighted an article from the Independent, on the return of masks to hospitals in Leicester. In this article, Gary Sidley, retired NHS psychologist and HART member, looks at the notable lack of evidence for benefit, and the many concerns about harm arising from this practice. For a more personal article on
🔗 CDC Killed Alert Warning of Connection Between Heart Inflammation and mRNA Vaccines Facts Matter, Epoch Times News, 18th January 2024
Investigative journalism is still alive. The Epoch Times team have uncovered a draft health alert notice all ready to go out from the CDC in May 2021, regarding myocarditis risk following mRNA vaccines. It reached a 5th draft but it was never sent. I wonder why.
🔗 The second pandemic – Vitamin D deficiency Dr David Grimes, interviewed by Dr John Campbell, YouTube, 15th January
This is a long interview (1 hour 23 minutes) but it is a gem and can be played easily at x1.25 speed
🔗 Storm on the Horizon – Sub-postmasters scandal Andrew Bridgen MP, YouTube, 17th January 2024
For those of you who watched the recent excellent 4-part drama, Mr Bates versus the Post Office, you may have been unaware of the role Andrew Bridgen had in trying to uncover this scandal over the last 12 years. He made a brief appearance in the 2022 BBC Panorama documentary The Post Office Scandal but was completely edited out of this ITV drama. Yet for some of us watching, there are striking similarities between the coverup by the Post Office and those of contaminated blood products, primidos, pelvish mesh, and now Covid-19 vaccines. It was good to see the sub postmaster in his constituency and also the forensic auditor redressing this ghosting.
🔗 Undisclosed financial conflicts of interest in DSM-5-TR: cross sectional analysis Davis L C, Diianni A T, Drumheller S R et al, BMJ, 10th January 2024
Yet another example of conflicts of interest with possible serious consequences for patient care. The authors looked at panel members on the team revising the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. They found that no less than 60% were in receipt of payments from the pharmaceutical industry, half of whom had failed to declare them. They concluded, “Because of the enormous influence of diagnostic and treatment guidelines, the standards for participation on a guideline development panel should be high. A rebuttable presumption should exist for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to prohibit conflicts of interest among its panel and task force members. When no independent individuals with the requisite expertise are available, individuals with associations to industry could consult to the panels, but they should not have decision making authority on revisions or the inclusion of new disorders.”
Open letter to national newspaper re: compulsory vaccines Miri Finch, Inormed consent Matters, 23rd January 2024
A line in the sand sent to Mr Sean O’Grady of The Independent. A slightly more outspoken take on his article, to which we referred in this week’s HART piece on the measles ‘National Incident’. For further on this topic, see also Dr Elizabeth Evans, director of UKMFA in The Conservative Woman.