15 July 2021 – In case we were in any doubt, there are now extreme double standards at play in our society. How long will we allow this rampant hypocrisy to continue?
Lift all mask mandates
8 July 2021 – HART believes we should all now be given the option to unmask, reclaim our humanity, and return to an enjoyable and worthwhile life.
It is time to ditch the mask
17 June 2021 – This week, Boris Johnson squandered the opportunity to remove all the remaining COVID-19 restrictions, extending the mask and social distancing requirements until, at least, 19 July.
It’s now or never – mask mandates must be lifted
3 June 2021 – The 15 June will be the first anniversary of England’s mask mandate, 12 months on from the introduction of the unprecedented requirement for healthy people to wear face coverings.
Mask mandates must be lifted
27 May 2021 – The masking of healthy people in community settings is unlikely to reduce viral transmission, but has led to, and is maintaining, a range of profound social and psychological harms.
Petition to end the mask mandate
13 May 2021 – The petition from HART member Dr Gary Sidley calling for the immediate lifting of the mask mandate has now received over 65,000 signatures.
Masks – do benefits outweigh the harms?
By Dr Gary Sidley Retired Clinical Psychologist and Dr Alan Mordue Retired Consultant in Public Health Medicine & Epidemiologist Whilst masks are a successful psychological tool to remind the public to remain alert, they are not effective in preventing the community spread of disease. In the summer of 2020, mandates were introduced to compel healthy […]