
In June 2021, Dr. Sam White, a general practitioner, released a video calling out harmful covid policy. From a scientific perspective every word he said was entirely defensible. Moreover it is clear that he was speaking from an ethical position of wanting to protect his patients from harm. He pulled no punches in addressing the most prominent issues that were causing harm – lack of treatment for the frail, inappropriate gene therapies and masking. In interviews, in 2022, he called the situation a war between good and evil. In doing so he unleashed a torrent of anger among those in a position of power over him, which, three years on, continues to harm him.

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Blood scandal exposes systemic hypocrisy

This last week we found ourselves in the midst of a harrowing revelation, as the headlines of every major newspaper are dominated by the infected blood scandal. This catastrophic event, where thousands of innocent lives, including children, were irrevocably damaged by the administration of HIV-contaminated blood, is a stark reminder of the systemic failures and gross negligence that can pervade our institutions.

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AstraZeneca product withdrawn

At the end of April AstraZeneca admitted in court that its product could cause clots that could kill. A proportion of the claimants who were vaccinated after the 7th April were asked by the legal team to withdraw from the case because at that point AstraZeneca added a line into their patient information leaflet to include a rare risk of clots as an adverse event.

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Too high a bar for drug safety calls

Drug safety regulation appears to be a lone wolf in the world of safety regulation. The aviation sector doesn’t ignore safety incidents “because they are outweighed by the benefits” and nor should the drug regulators. The aviation baseline is “less than 1 fatal accident per 1 million flying hours”. The alarm bells ring as soon as there is 1 fatal accident. Actually, even a near-miss gets them excited.

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Gender ideology: What’s happening in the rest of the UK?

Gender ideology has been topical in England in recent years, with significant happenings, such as The Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock Clinic closing, the banning of puberty blockers being prescribed to children, and the release of the recent CASS report, which highlighted the lack of a clear evidence base for allowing children to change sex. In a further shift of policy, NHS England has rightly stated that biological sex is fact and should be respected in hospital settings.

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HART Ethics

Several members of HART are authors of a new pre-print on ethics. It takes an in-depth look at the historical and ethical framework that has guided medical practices for centuries—from the Hippocratic Oath to modern legal standards like the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki.

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Then and Now

The account below was sent in to us by a HART follower who works in a busy A&E department, comparing the workload and the treatment options in the spring of 2020 with that of 2024. Here we reproduce it in full, with some added links to previous HART articles.

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Conflicts in Cancer Data

Many of our readers will be aware of the claims of a rise in cancers since the vaccine rollout, particularly among the young. Last week we published an article discussing the scientific rationale why a rise in cancers might be expected after the vaccine rollout. The data published by the UK on this topic is contradictory but data from around the world is signifying there is a genuine problem.

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Covid-19 Response and Excess Deaths

On 18th April, Andrew Bridgen finally secured a full length debate on this vexed topic, the original text of which is available here. Full length in theory, but shortly before the debate was due to begin, the deputy Speaker told him he only had 15 minutes instead of the 30 minutes he had prepared. After a complaint to the Speaker’s office the compromise was 20 minutes.

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