In the second half of the year (June to end Nov) there have been considerably more deaths in 2022 than were seen in the same periods of 2020 and 2021 (see table 1). Why have more people been dying?
What are these vaccines doing to the nation’s children and where is the benefit?
This week over one hundred health professionals wrote to the MHRA regarding Moderna’s application for a conditional marketing authorisation for Spikevax for babies from 6 months upwards. This baby dose has already been approved in the US and added to their routine immunisation schedule, thus removing any distinction between a novel technology gene-based vaccine rushed to market under the pretext of an ‘EMERGENCY’ and standard vaccines.
Open letter to HoC & HoL scrutiny committees
The WHO’s Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Treaty threatens our sovereignty and our democracy. HART has joined with The Thinking Coalition, Time for Recovery, Together Declaration, Not Our Future and Freedom Alliance to urge our parliamentary scrutiny committees to exercise due diligence.
Open letter to the JCVI 6th December 2022
The MHRA have just authorised Pfizer Cominarty for infants and toddlers. Will the JCVI just fall in line or will they finally show some ethical resolve?
Open Letter to MHRA on vaccines for 0-5s
Open letter to the MHRA re Moderna application for 0-5s. Will Dame June follow this baby’s view on the precautionary principle? One can live in hopes!
Latest Open Letter to our Latest Prime Minister
Yet another open letter to the Prime Minister on the lack of safety of Covid-19 vaccines for children
What would it take for MHRA to hesitate on approvals?
The MHRA have recently approved novel “vaccines” that claim to protect against Omicron BA4/BA5 variants. The evidence used for the basis of these approvals is paper thin and the lack of transparency has worsened recently.
The Future is a Foreign Country
Despite two and a half years of failure people continue to be paid to publish modelled predictions of the future. The future is not as predictable as some claim. Modellers are not capable of predicting what is going to happen because they do not have measurements for all the variables that contribute to covid waves.
Pandemic Inquiry off to a shaky start
The official UK Covid-19 Inquiry is yet to begin but the groups who will be included as core participants have been selected for the first two modules. There are severe biases evident but we have to ask how much it really matters.
How do we support young people post covid?
The Covid era has shown many of us just how broken and dysfunctional the systems around us are when it comes to protecting young people’s emotional health. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that it’s the sick society that we are passing on to future generations that should be the priority target of our interventions for change, rather than the focus being on our young people (and ourselves). No one who works with children would support them to adapt to an abusive home environment so how can we justify supporting them to adapt to a social environment that is harmful for them? Surely it’s time to fully comprehend that the trauma-informed sessions in schools, the damaging psychiatric drugs and endless rounds of short-term counselling are not the answer.
The Injection Rejection
In numerous countries, despite vaccination remaining available, people are no longer cooperating with the programme. There has been no official end to the programme but people have opted out. The government has not told them to stop, the media have not told them to stop. Somehow, people have made a conscious or, perhaps for many a subconscious decision to decline.
Where were the superspreader events?
There is good evidence that a minority of individuals produce a disproportionately large number of viral particles. These people are likely the ones responsible for occasions where large numbers of people catch covid at a gathering – a superspreader event – which have certainly occurred.
Covid-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy
There are gaps in our knowledge about the risk from covid infection in pregnancy but even larger gaps regarding the risks of vaccination. What we do know, however, is that there have always been very good reasons to be cautious of giving medication in pregnancy.
NHS cites a computer-modelling study to justify ongoing mask requirements
In a sane world, the legitimacy of using computer modelling as a rationale for imposing covid restrictions would be seriously questioned. In 2020, Professor Neil Ferguson (an epidemiologist at University College London) gained notoriety for his doomsday prediction that 2.2 million Americans and 500,000 British people could die as a direct consequence of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus. These wildly inaccurate prophesies were largely responsible for spooking governments into imposing ineffective and hugely damaging lockdowns and, subsequently, the modelling methodology was heavily criticised.
Continued restrictions to visiting in care settings
It is 8 months since the government lifted all remaining restrictions to visiting in care settings. But despite these changes, many families are still restricted from visiting family members in care, and support groups continue to report limits to visiting.
Next generation mRNA waiting in the wings
The expediency of introducing a new technology during a pandemic must not be allowed to lead to this problematic technology replacing standard vaccines but that does appear to be the strategy of several large pharmaceutical companies.