8 July 2021 – The goal of these psychological interventions is to introduce a gradual acceptance of the scientifically established assumption that a COVID-19-free world is unlikely.
Mental health

Children’s mental health crisis deepens
28 June 2021 – HART believes that as a matter of urgency, children’s needs must be prioritised. Unnecessary testing of healthy children must stop. Fear messaging must stop.

The dubious ethics of covert psychological ‘nudges’
24 June 2021 – On 6 January 2021, HART member Dr Gary Sidley (along with 46 other psychologists and therapists) wrote a letter to the British Psychological Society (BPS) expressing concerns about the ethics of deploying covert psychological ‘nudges’ as a means of gaining the public’s compliance with COVID-19 restrictions.

The ‘weaponisation’ of behavioural psychology
20 May 2021 – Dodsworth has conducted the investigative journalism that her mainstream media counterparts manifestly failed to do.

The mental health costs of coronavirus restrictions
13 May 2021 – The most effective way to aid recovery would be to lift all coronavirus restrictions and change the fear narrative surrounding those affected.

To hug, or not to hug
13 May 2021 – This week, Boris Johnson stated that hugging friends and relatives will be ‘allowed’ as long as people use their common sense. Quite what this ‘common sense’ algorithm might look like is anyone’s guess.
Psychological impact of the Government’s communication style and restrictive measures
By Dr Damian Wilde (Chartered) Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist HART believes that the most effective step to meaningfully reduce the widespread mental health crisis would be a relaxation of all COVID-19 restrictions, with the assurance that they will not return. A year of COVID-19 restrictions and a relentless media campaign to enhance compliance has led […]