Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

More stealth damage from mRNAs shots? Also available on Substack – Come and join the conversation with open comments In Jan 2021 Yuichiro Suzuki and Sergiy Gychka, two scientists from Georgetown University, Washington DC, published an article which reviewed a number of studies in animals, including their own work. These raised a number of concerns, […]

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What have viruses and vaccines got to do with the heart?

There are three types of heart disease that are relevant to covid virus and vaccines and what we know about them and how they relate to other virus infections is worth taking some time to understand. Those  are inflammation (eg myocarditis) and ischaemic heart disease (where narrowing of the arteries leads to heart attacks): either of these conditions may result in  cardiac arrest.

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Myocarditis began with vaccine rollout

Although there have been several epidemiological analyses of myocarditis, that simple comparison is never made. Where uninjected people are looked at specifically, there is no evidence of an increase in incidence. HART has previously summarised the data after infection in the injected compared to the uninjected.

An alternative approach is to look at how common myocarditis is over time. Did the incidence increase with the arrival of covid in 2020 or the arrival of injections in 2021?

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