Pick of the week

A selection of articles that we feel are worth the time. ‘What should we learn for the future?’ Dr Scott Michell, The Guernsey press, 9th October: Dr Mitchell was an Emergency Care Physician at Princess Elizabeth Hospital in Guernsey. He became a member of the Frontline Covid Clinical Care Clinicians(FLCCC) and has signed many of HART‘s open letters cautioning against rolling out mRNA vaccines to children.

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Covid 19 Inquiry 

HART members are not the only people to be shocked at the double standards applied to three professors all appearing before Baroness Hallett last week. This topic has been covered in the Daily Sceptic and of course by Tom Jefferson in Trust the Evidence. But you really have to watch at least part of the day’s YouTube coverage to get a sense of the level of disrespect shown to Professor Carl Heneghan.

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Why did the minister reference Singapore?

In the study they critically fail to define “unvaccinated”. However, a clue comes from the fact that the sum of the “unvaccinated,” and those with two doses or three doses equals every one who tested positive (see figure 1). This presumably means that everyone who had been vaccinated but had not yet been “fully vaccinated” were described as “unvaccinated”. Of those who tested positive 91.5% were “fully vaccinated” or more.

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Why HART uses the virus model

There are two separate debates about interpretations of covid.
One is that there was no “novel virus”. The key point being about the novelty. This was used by governments to suggest a lack of prior immunity, with a number of far-reaching implications, so it seems justifiable to “hold their feet to the fire” and assess novelty on this basis.

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The vaccine injured get their 20-minutes at the Hallett Inquiry

Last week, the Hallett Inquiry opened Module 4 on Vaccines and therapeutics.  HART, UK Medical Freedom Alliance, Perseus and the Children’s Covid Vaccines Advisory Council had all separately applied for Core participant status and this had been rejected. However an undertaking has been given that the Inquiry’s legal team will contact these groups to ensure any questions and concerns will be raised. 

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Previously unbelievable levels of conflicts of interest are now commonplace

As described by Nick Hunt in this Daily Sceptic piece, one of the (many) odd features of the MHRA’s approval of the products knows as “covid vaccines” is the fact that when Jonathan Van Tam (the UK’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer) wrote to June Raine (head of the MHRA – the UK’s medicines regulator) in November 2020 asking about the suitability of the Pfizer/BionTech product for approval, the reply was not from June Raine, or anyone else at the MHRA

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