Covid vaccine fanatics turn to AI for reinforcements

The most likely reason for the use of such automated systems is that they have insufficient resources to respond individually to the volume of material being posted which is oppositional to their favoured narrative.  As well as this being caused by a growing number of people becoming aware of the truth about the covid “vaccines”, it could also be a shrinking in the number of people who wish to perjure themselves for hours a day, now it has become obvious that all they are doing is lining the pockets of greedy corporations who seem not to care about the well being of any of the users of their products.

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Flapping from the ‘Fact-Checkers’

YouTuber John Campbell recently published a podcast pointing at excess mortality in countries with higher covid vaccination. Unfortunately, he unwisely referenced some poor-quality analysis which has resulted in various fact-‘checks’ from the BBC’s ‘More or Less’ and Health Feedback, an outfit that we encountered in November 2022 when they attempted a pretty poor hatchet job on Aseem Malhotra’s Journal of Insulin Resistance review articles.

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Stats Not The Whole Story! 

The statistical jiggery-pokery employed since 2020 is so outrageous it is perhaps best viewed through the lens of (dark) comedy, so we forewarn you in advance that — in a change from our usual (possibly over-sober) tone — the following article has been written in a somewhat jocular manner, despite covering a topic that is very much not a laughing matter.

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